Monday, October 13, 2014

Librarians....Serving you since 2600 BC

The burning of the Library at Alexandria
Librarians Serving You Since 2600 B.C.

This the quote on my DU Library and Information Science School t-shirt.  

I think that this is a super vague and somewhat silly quote.  How many people will really understand that reference? (It refers to the Library at Alexandria that was burned down - thought to contain much of the ancient world knowledge that had been written).  

Many times I find that smart people do smart things that make us feel not so smart in comparison.  I hate comparison - don't you.  The whole reason I decided to become a librarian was to help people, create connections and my dream of dreams is to make others as passionate about books as I am.  

As I work through this first year of being a teacher librarian here at Bear Creek K8, I hope to share some of what I dream of accomplishing and sharing with students and teachers.  To make us all feel smart and valued.  And it is true, I do love to read, but my real motivation comes from students. I love to help them get smart and with their curious minds they have no where to go but up. 

This year will be a whole new experience for me and although only 8 weeks have past, I feel like I have already done a lifetime of work (in a good way). The learning curve is super steep, but I feel truly blessed to be doing this work and being with your student.  I hope that they learn as much as I do this year and that we continue to grow smarter together.